How to Start a Blog Without Money?

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  • Post category:How-to / Technology
  • Reading time:8 mins read

It is no secret that starting a blog can be expensive. To get started, you need to pay for hosting, a domain name, and other services. But what if you do not have any money to put into this new venture? Do not worry. It is possible to start a blog without spending a single penny, and we are here to show you how. 

In this blog post, we will tell you how to start a blog and also provide you with tips on making it profitable.

Do You Need Money to Start a Blog?

Nowadays, anyone can start blogging. You do not need expensive hosting or much time to get started. In fact, you can start a blog for free using one of the many blogging platforms available on the internet.

The quickest and easiest way to do that is to use a free platform like or These sites will provide you with everything you need to get started, including templates, hosting, and basic design features. However, if you want something more customizable, you can opt for Zyro or Wix.

How to Start a Blog For Free?

To create a free blog, follow some steps we have mentioned below.

Choose a Blogging Platform

wordpress blog

Weebly, WordPress, and Blogger are all popular choices that have free versions.

Select a theme or template for your blog to give it a professional look.

Create and Publish Content

It is an essential part of starting a blog. Be sure to write about topics you’re passionate about, and post new content regularly.

Spread the Creativity

Once you have some content on your site, share it with your friends and family via social media or email. You can also post comments on other blogs in your niche, but be sure to provide a Backlink to your blog.

With these few instructions and a little effort, you can start your blog in no time.

What to Write About In Your Blog?

When it comes to blogging, one of the hardest things can be coming up with fresh ideas to write about. If you’re feeling stuck, here are some tips to help you come up with ideas for your next blog post:

Brainstorm a List of Potential Topics

brainstorm blog ideas

Get a sheet of paper and write down everything that comes to mind you can write about, irrespective of their niche. 

Come Up With Latest Ideas

Think and write about what is happening in the world right now that your readers might be interested in.

Use Social Media

Check out what people discuss on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other social media platforms. It can give you some trending ideas for posts.

Check out Other Blogs

You can also see what other people are writing about and if there’s anything you can add to the conversation with your visitors. 

Some tools can tell you the latest trends in a specific country. You can use them to generate ideas. 

How to Promote Your Blog?

There are numerous ways to promote your blog. Some of the most popular ways include:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the effective methods for promoting your blog. You can optimize your posts for search engines, and as a result, they will rank. Only ranked websites get the expected traffic, opening the way to online earnings. 

Social Media

Social media is a great way to share your blog content with a wide audience. You can use Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms to share your posts and drive traffic to your site. 

Guest blogging

It is another effective way to promote your blogging venture. This field involves writing posts for other sites in your niche industry. It is a great way to reach a new audience and get your blog’s name out there.

How to Make Money From Your Blog?

There are numerous ways to generate profitable revenue from your blog. We have listed below the most common ones.

Sell Advertising Space

It is one of the most common ways to make money from a blog. You can sell ad space to companies or agencies who want to market their products. To do this, you can register on verified sites like Google AdSense.

Become an Affiliate

You can promote the products of other companies on your blogging site and earn a commission on every sale you generate.

Sell Your Products

If you have created a product you believe your audience would benefit from, you can sell it on an e-commerce styled-blog. From E-books to food items, you can sell anything online.

Click here to read about how to create an SEO-friendly URL

How to Start a Blog Without Money: Conclusion

It’s entirely possible to start a blog without spending any money. With a bit of creativity and hard work, you can set up a professional website that provides value to your readers, all without breaking the bank. So what are you waiting for? Get there and start blogging today.

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